
Dear Home,

Dear Home,

I really do love you now. It's taken me these 7 1/2 years to finally feel like home in you. It's really not your fault that those pesky creatures such as rats and mice find their way in. (Just when I say something like this I see a black streak across the floor and know I have visitors again. I've made a few Walmart trips without automatically picking up another trap. I think I should have just become a wholesale distributor of Decon.) I've had to come to terms with the fact I live on a farm. And well, farms have gross things at times.

Even though you have the smallest doorways on earth thus making us take out a window to get our new couch in, well I'm learning to live with it.

The drafty windows..... well, nothing a little plastic and duct tape can't fix..... and fresh air is good. Right?

I think I'll be redecorating and rearranging and redoing until I'm physically unable. Even though I love my living room now, a few months from now, moving the couch to a new wall will freshen up the space and provide a new perspective... literally. So, home, I have lots of ideas for you..... be prepared!

1 comment:

  1. looking good! I think I'll be right there with you rearranging till the end...


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