
My New Benches

I've always wanted some type of built in eating area on our porch.  We eat most of our family meals out there, and because the room is long and narrow a long table with benches would fit the space better.  I knew these old benches, my brother in law built in shop class back in the day, were hiding out in a pile behind the garage.

I decided to see if they were useable...

First we cleaned spiders and dirt off, then sanded and painted the benches.

I ordered some awesome fabric from fabric.com and with a roll of foam, a staple gun, and some clear plastic, we are now eating in style!


  1. Ty says they're "petty" (pretty)! I LOVE them, can Sam make me some benches too??? :)

  2. Maybe Joe could, from what I've heard... the doghouse he built in that class was awesome! :)


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