Mia and Owen have been busy learning what positive behavior is. We've been using a reward program for a few years now. We started out with sticker charts, and both Mia and Owen filled a few charts. Mia's usually filled up at least twice as fast and got twice as many rewards. We switched to "bead jars" recently and the kids love filling their jars. I saved some peanut butter and jelly jars and washed them up to use. Owen could live on peanut butter and jelly so he is quite proud of his peanut butter jar :)
These are the type of beads we use....
Our beads were actually something I picked up at Wal-Mart on clearance. It was $5 well spent. Mia and Owen sort them, count them, thread them on strings and tonight while I was making supper they were threading them on spaghetti noodles.
Positive behavior in our house can be: doing a job without me asking, doing a job I ask with no complaining, being nice to their sibling, answering questions, helping mom with Dylan, asking how they can help, being polite, using good table manners and so on. If one is not nice to the other, one of their beads goes into the other's jar....and they dread that!!
I will put these labels on my Design blog and you are free to download them to tape/paste/glue them onto some jars of your own. Your kids will love it and you'll be surprised at how fast the catch on and want to help out willingly.
Here is a picture of my cuties ... (I can't ever get them to look in the same direction at the same time).